Dance and gymnastics in methodological approaches to school Physical Education

Larissa Michelle Lara, Ieda Parra Barbosa Rinaldi, Juliana Montenegro, Taiza Daniela Seron


The goal of this study is to understand dance and gymnastics through methodological approaches developed by professors/researchers in the area of Physical Education in Brazil. The analysis of these cultural manifestations within the context of school physical education begins with works written by representatives of these approaches and is followed with an interpretation of their responses to a questionnaire that we applied. The data that we collected are indicative of the lacunae existing in Brazilian work on the systematization and pedagogical treatment of dance and gymnastics, and suggest the need for other bases for the development of knowledge on these issues within the realm of school physical education.

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ISSN (Impresso) 0101-3289; ISSN (Eletrônico) 2179-3255
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