The devil’s church and the knowledge production in Physical Education

Arthut De Vargas Feron, Marcelo Moraes e Silva


The present essay aims to analyze the knowledge production in Physical Education under the Foulcaltian concept of production of truth, which was also contextualized in the short story by Machado de Assis entitled “The Devil’s Church”. In order to achieve such intent, we analyzed the academic discussion in this area from the 1970’s on, which resulted in the creation of Centro de Estudos de Aptidão Física de São Caetano do Sul (Celafiscs) and Colégio Brasileiro de Ciências do Esporte (CBCE). In this way, we concluded that the academic production in this area should “continuously ” (de)construct the prevailing truth, knowledge and power to constitute, perhaps, a subversive and fruitful strategy for thought in physical education.

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ISSN (Impresso) 0101-3289; ISSN (Eletrônico) 2179-3255
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