The indian games and the contradictions of celebrating and competing

Katia Rubio, Felipe de Mello Futada, Everson Carlos da Silva


The Jogos dos Povos Indígenas (Games of the Indian Nations) which began in 1996 included the participation of 470 Indians from 29 different indigenous Nations, with the main concern of bringing together Indian Nations from different areas of the
country. The main motto of this event was “what matters is not competing, but celebrating”, thus summarizing its goal of getting the different Brazilian Indian groups together and
stimulating their engagement in the practice of corporal activities and other cultural manifestations. Since then, it has been an opportunity for indigenous groups to exercise
their alterity and show their production, organization and history to non-Indian society. The apparent lack of concern for results, coupled with respect for the opponent, are lived situations at the many Games editions that value the Indian areté, which has a great similarity with the Olympic concept of fair play.

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ISSN (Impresso) 0101-3289; ISSN (Eletrônico) 2179-3255
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